Hello everyone !

Today i just finished my first game for my first jam, Timeout ! Timeout si a very small puzzle game where you must find the way to exit the current room where you actually are.

But watch out ! Because you have a limit of time per level which is 50 seconds for every room and a limit of five tries with the spacebars.

The theme was “ Running out of space “, so i searched for some hours and I finally found my three ideas.

The first one was a close room where the camera keep zooming on the player and when the player couldn’t see anything he dies. Second one was to make a game with puzzles. And the last one was suggested by a friend, who told me, “ What if the player won’t be able to use the spacebar like he wants ? “. Finally i thought of a way like the player won’t be able to interact with objects more times than a certain amount of times.

I admit that this game is really short and doesn’t have a large aount of features but I made it in about I think 30-40H which is not really long compared to the others. And it’s y first game so be indulgent and I didn’t know Unity perfectly at this time.

I know this is not an a valid excuse, but I tried my best and I think this was the best thing to do.

So, well enjoy playing my game, and don’t hesitate to give returns :D

See ya !!

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